
Mužjak, rođen u ožujku 2017., visok oko 34cm, ima kraći rep. Mikročip 191100000826386

WILLI (191100000826386) male, 3.3.2017., in the shelter since 12.12.2024., He had a grandma but she couldn't take care of him anymore. He is just little careful at the begining, but it is understandable cause he came recently to big and loud shelter, but he is a bice boy. He likes attention and goes into your lap when he sees you are nice. He disn't know the leash but he goes pretty well already. Cca 34cm, shorter tail

video 12/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGlbOUxs0Ck
video with Cooper 1/2025: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hlo7jBxjnWI

Više... Natrag

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