
Ženka, rođena u siječnju 2023., visoka oko 48cm

MANDL 210330 female, 3.1.2023., in the shelter since 28.5.2024., from Roma village, came pregnant and gave birth a week later. She needed caesarean operation and only 2 babies survived, and they are adopted. Mandl is very dear girl, gentle girl who likes attention. When you just go next to her cage, she will have that friendly look in her eyes as soon as you make eye contact, she will come close, and if you just look at her, her tail will start to sway. She had nice time outside on the playground. She is good with other dogs,  males and females. She was adopted in Croatia, but they kept her outside and she was lonely when they were not with her so they brought her back because she was digging holes in the garden :/Cca 48cm

video 9/2024:
video 12/2024:

Više... Natrag

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