Mužjak, rođen u studenom 2020., visok oko 80cm. Mikročip 191035000142205
E a naš Danijel! Ma on je baš još jedan poseban pas! Rođen je u studenom 2020., i još
uvijek se ponaša kao blentavo smiješno štene, a nije uopće svjestan da je visok 75cm u
ramenima :D Jako voli ljude i pažnju, dođe dok ga zoveš, i kao da mu nikad nitko prije nego je
došao u sklonište nije pružio pažnju i ljubav i sad je skužio da to baš godi..
DANIJEL (191035000142205) male, 2.11.2020., in the shelter since 3.11.2021. from Roma village. Very dear and good boy. Excited, clumsly, very happy on the field, needs to learn boundaries cause he actually acts like big puppy and is not aware he is actually 75cm high :D So he is very funny, loves people, comes when you call him. It looked like it was first time people gave him some time, love and attention and he enjoyed it so much! Ok on the leash, good with other dogs, males and females, he accepts everyone in his cage. He loves to spend time on our playing field where he can run and be free. Cca 75cm
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